


Chinese and foreign cultural exchange ambassadors are an important bridge to promote international cultural understanding and friendship, which not only promotes cultural exchange and dissemination, but also enhances mutual understanding and respect between people of different countries. They are not only the disseminators of culture, but also the envoys of friendly exchanges. Through their own practice and efforts, they have made remarkable contributions to the cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

Mr. Liang Yijun is a cultural ambassador who transcends national borders. He is an artist who loves calligraphy, and his passion and persistence for art are just like his love for life. His works reflect his artistic talent and cultural cultivation, as well as his character and cultivation. He is a treasure in the art world and a inheritor and innovator of art.


梁宜君,1959年生,籍贯江苏常州,住地广东佛山, 中国书法家协会会员,国家一级美术师,西班牙皇家艺术协会国际会员,全国艺术职称考级中心首席专家,中国文旅部特邀篇委成员,中华国礼艺术家,国家高级书法师,中央新影中学生频道美育视界栏目组教授级艺术顾问,中央电视台《艺术传承》栏目客座教授,世界非物质文化遗产研究院副院长。

他是人民日报全国重点推荐的艺术名家,在2019年中华人民共和国建国七十周年纪念日,被中华国礼艺术家网授予——人民艺术家称号,并荣获建国七十周年纪念奖章,其书法作品被山东中国孔子学院等院企收藏;在中国共产党诞辰百年之际,“所入选的书法作品”被中国文联出版社编入《纪念中国共产党诞辰100周年书画精品珍藏集》;2021年应北京冬奥会有关主办方邀请,多达十余幅书法作品在全国二百余家省市及企事业网页展出;2021年度被中国乡土艺术家协会授予年度《中国艺术功勋人物》称号; 2022年,作品《仁者寿》 被“全国两会”评选为最具收藏价值荣誉称号;2023年在党的二十大召开前夕,再次获得国家文旅部艺术发展中心授予的“人民艺术家”荣誉称号;2024年被央新国际文化传播委员会推举为“荣耀中国——世界文化艺术大师”。

Liang Yijun, born in 1959, is from Changzhou, Jiangsu Province and lives in Foshan, Guangdong Province. He is a member of the Chinese Calligrapher's Association, a national first-class artist, an international member of the Spanish Royal Art Association, a chief expert of the National Art Title Examination Center, a member of the specially invited chapter committee of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, a Chinese etiquette artist, a national senior calligrapher, a professor level art consultant of the aesthetic education vision column group of the Central New Film Middle School Channel, a guest professor of the CCTV Art Heritage column, and the vice president of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute.

He is a national key artist recommended by People's Daily. On the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 2019, he was awarded the title of People's Artist by the Chinese National Ritual Artists Network, and won the medal for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. His calligraphy works were collected by Shandong China Confucius Institute and other institutions and enterprises; On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the Communist Party of China, the "selected calligraphy works" were compiled by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Press into the Collection of Fine Paintings and Calligraphy Collections to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of the Communist Party of China; In 2021, at the invitation of the relevant organizers of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, more than 10 calligraphy works will be displayed on the websites of more than 200 provinces, cities, enterprises and institutions nationwide; In 2021, he was awarded the title of "Chinese Artistic Meritorious Figures" by the Chinese Local Artists Association; In 2022, the work "Life of the Benevolent" was selected as the honorary title with the most collection value by the "National Two Sessions"; In 2023, on the eve of the 20th CPC National Congress, he won the honorary title of "People's Artist" awarded by the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Tourism; In 2024, it was elected as "Glory China - World Master of Culture and Art" by the Central Committee for International Cultural Communication.


