


    高明柱老师系2008首届全国十佳毛体书法家,2009年度感动中国十大艺术骄子,2011第二届中国最具网络人气美术家十大年度人物。 2012年中央电视台先锋中国先锋会客厅以“东方之子·高明柱“为题作三十分钟的专题报道;2013年为纪念毛主席诞辰120周年,向毛主席诞辰120周年献礼,120幅书法作品在中华世纪坛世界艺术馆成功展出,名家对话栏目作二十分钟的专题报道;2015年天津人民美术出版社出版发行【中国近现代名家书法集】高明柱卷大红袍专辑2000册,全国新华书店经销。被中国非物质文化遗产办公室授予:“中国非物质文化遗产出版物”并授予:高明柱“中国非物质文化遗产传承人物”;中国非物质文化遗产艺术委员会以《中国近现代名家书法集》命名“高明柱大红袍名家工作室”;2017年广东广播电视台古韵今谈栏目以“中国著名书法家高明柱”为题作专题报道;2018年书法作品作为国礼赠送给吉尔吉斯共和国总理府收藏,人民日报袭古创今栏目人物专访以高明柱“继古人之神韵、开时代之新风”为题作10分钟的专题报道;2019年文化部艺术发展中心资质认证:“当代著名书法家”,国学文化艺术中心专业艺术委员会决定正式授予:高明柱“国学大师”。2020年新华号以中国著名书法家高明柱:“字体飞动继古人之神韵 线条流畅开时代之新风”为题进行报道;2021年高明柱书法作品被国家版权局登记,兰亭字库工程工作委员会研究决定,高明柱字体纳入兰亭字库并命名为“兰亭·高明柱体”,特聘请高明柱老师为“兰亭高明柱体”字体设计师一职。8月17日时代周刊新闻报道:跨国文化传播视界——2021年度中国国家艺术形象代表人物高明柱·“兰亭高明柱体”亮相兰亭字库。人民日报有品质的新闻以高明柱“潇洒飘逸的书法艺术与技法点评”进行报道;文旅中国以“建党百年特刊·艺术家高明柱作品欣赏”及“弘扬中国文化传递中国声音·中华艺术大家高明柱”进行报道;2022年3月被中国文联与原文化部文化艺术人才中心聘任为新时代文化艺术人才中心艺术顾问并入编喜迎二十大《新时代·民族艺术楷模》一书。7月央媒文化组委会“一起向未来 喜迎二十大”书法作品展播,被央广国际文化交流艺术委员会聘任副主席。入编【百年巨匠】,荣任【百年巨匠】荣誉主编一职;2023年2月增补为中国传统文化发展委员会顾问,4月28日当选中国通俗文艺研究会理事,6月6日《光明日报》(艺术特刊)登载“艺术界领军人物——高明柱”【著名书法家高明柱的“五个一工程”】八版进行报道,向全球23个国家发行100万份。


    Gao Mingzhu, born in 1952, is known as Jingzhi and Xunjianzhai. His ancestral home is Dengzhou, Henan, and he resides in Beijing. Communist Party member, Maoist calligrapher, poet, master of Chinese culture, century old master. Currently serving as the Chief Expert of the National Art Title Examination Center, Honorary Dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Calligraphy and Painting, and a member of the People's Art Artists Committee. Appointed by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Culture and Art Talent Center of the Ministry of Culture as the art consultant of the New Era Culture and Art Talent Center, the art consultant of the Calligraphy and Painting Talent Program, the art consultant of the Central Media Culture Organizing Committee, the consultant of the China Traditional Culture Development Committee, the consultant of the Beijing Chinese Maoist Calligraphers Association, the art consultant of the Beijing Xinhai Group, the chief evaluation and appraisal consultant of the Beijing Runge Art Appraisal Center, and the chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, Vice Chairman of the Yangguang International Cultural Exchange Art Committee, Honorary Curator of the National Cyber Art Museum, Professor of the Calligraphy Department of the Chinese Couplet Association Painting Academy, Deputy Secretary General of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the Chinese Couplet Association, Vice Chairman of the First Board of Directors of the Special Issue of "Chinese Quintessence" Poetry Research, Special Commentator of "Chinese Quintessence", Director of the Chinese Popular Literature and Art Research Association, Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese Poetry Society Member of the China Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association and researcher at Sotheby's Institute. Special artist for the State Guest Ceremony of the State Council, image ambassador for the State Guest Ceremony of China, leader of cultural innovation in the new era, national senior calligrapher, master of Chinese art circles, font designer of "Lanting Gaoming Column", and inheritor of China's Intangible cultural heritage. Create the first batch of Chinese cultural celebrity studios: Gao Mingzhu Studio and Gao Mingzhu Art Museum. Awarded: Son of the East, current genius, a generation of Fangjia, People's Artists, Top Ten People's Art Masters, Top Ten Contemporary Chinese Artists with Both Moral and Artistic Characteristics, obtained a Master's degree in Calligraphy Art, and a PhD in Art from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France. He won the Academic Award of Chinese literature and Art Circles, the Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese Culture and Art Festival, the Golden Monkey Award, the Golden Rooster Award Award, and the Golden Dog Award. It is truly a golden monkey, chicken, and dog that have won three consecutive championships, and achieving lifelong success can be a great challenge. Half a hundred Lin Chi chases after a good dream, diligently plows and tirelessly climbs. He has published Collected Calligraphy of Gao Mingzhu, Artist · Gao Mingzhu, Hundred year Artist · Art Collection, Selected Works of National Artist Gao Mingzhu, Image Ambassador of China's State Guests · Gao Mingzhu, Archives of New China's Meritorious Artists · Gao Mingzhu, Art Appreciation of a Generation of Founders · Gao Mingzhu, Special Issue on the Establishment of Gao Mingzhu Art Museum, the Belt and Road Summit Forum · Famous Chinese Calligrapher Gao Mingzhu Collection of Chinese Calligraphy of Modern and Contemporary Masters by Gao Mingzhu, Da Hong Pao and other albums. The books "Gao Mingzhu's Famous Calligraphy and Calligraphy Masters - Appreciation and Collection of National Treasure Level Artists" and "Collection of Fine Works of Chinese Modern Calligraphy and Painting Masters" are donated to the National Library.

    Professor Gao Mingzhu is one of the top ten Maoist calligraphers in China in 2008, one of the top ten art luminaries who moved China in 2009, and one of the top ten Chinese calligraphers in 2011Top 10 Artists of the Year with Network Popularity. In 2012, CCTV Pioneer China Pioneer Reception Hall gave a 30 minute special report titled "Son of the East: Gao Mingzhu"; In 2013, in order to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth, 120 calligraphy works were successfully displayed in the World Art Museum of the China Millennium Monument, and a 20 minute special report was given by the famous dialogue column; In 2015, Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House published and distributed the "Collection of Calligraphy by Famous Chinese Modern and Contemporary Masters"Gao Mingzhu's 2000 Da Hong Pao albums are distributed by Xinhua Bookstore nationwide. Awarded by the China Intangible cultural heritage Office as "China Intangible cultural heritage Publication" and Gao Mingzhu as "Inheritor of China Intangible cultural heritage"; The Art Committee of China Intangible cultural heritage named "Gao Mingzhu Da Hong Pao Famous Artists Studio" after the Collection of Calligraphy of Chinese Modern Masters; In 2017, Guangdong Radio and Television's "Ancient Charm Today" column featured "Gao Mingzhu, a famous calligrapher in China"; In 2018, calligraphy works were presented as a national gift to the collection of the Prime Minister's Office of the Kyrgyz Republic, and a 10 minute special report titled "Inheriting the Charm of the ancients and Opening up a New Era" was conducted by Gao Mingzhu in the column "Inheriting the Ancient and Creating the Present" of the People's Daily; In 2019, the qualification certification of the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture was "Contemporary Famous Calligrapher". The Professional Art Committee of the National Studies Culture and Art Center decided to officially award Gao Mingzhu as "National Studies Master". In 2020, the Xinhua News Agency reported on the famous Chinese calligrapher Gao Mingzhu, titled "The font flies, inherits the charm of the ancients, the lines flow smoothly, and opens up a new trend of the times"; In 2021, Gao Mingzhu's calligraphy works were registered by the National Copyright Administration, and the Lanting Font Library Project Working Committee studied and decided that the font of Gao Mingzhu was included in the Lanting Font Library and named "Lanting Gaoming Column". Gao Mingzhu was specially hired as the font designer of "Lanting Gaoming Column". On August 17th, Time Weekly reported that from the perspective of cross-border cultural communication, the 2021 representative figure of China's national art image, Gao Mingzhu, "Lanting Gao Mingzhu," appeared in the Lanting Character Library. The People's Daily reports high-quality news with Gao Mingzhu's "unrestrained and elegant calligraphy art and techniques review"; Culture and Tourism China reports on "The Centennial Special Issue of the Founding of the Communist Party of China: Appreciation of Artist Gao Mingzhu's Works" and "Promoting Chinese Culture, Transmitting Chinese Voice: The Great Master of Chinese Art Gao Mingzhu"; In March 2022, he was appointed as an art consultant for the New Era Culture and Art Talent Center by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the former Ministry of Culture and Art Talent Center, and was included in the book "New Era: National Art Model" to welcome the 20th National Congress. In July, the calligraphy works of the "Celebrating the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in the Future Together" were exhibited and broadcasted by the Central Media Culture Organizing Committee, and were appointed as Vice Chairman by the Central Radio International Cultural Exchange and Art Committee. Joined the "Centennial Giant" and was honored as the honorary editor in chief of the "Centennial Giant"; In February 2023, he was added as a consultant to the Chinese Traditional Culture Development Committee. On April 28, he was elected as a director of the China Popular Literature and Art Research Association. On June 6, Guangming Daily (an art special issue) published eight pages of "Gao Mingzhu, a leading figure in the art world" [the famous calligrapher Gao Mingzhu's "Five One Project"], and distributed 1 million copies to 23 countries around the world.

    The calligraphy work "Qinyuan Spring Snow" by Mao xx was engraved on the Badaling New Great Wall of China. His works include "Decision making Chinanet · Database of Chinese Influential People", "China in Fine Arts", "Republic Memory · Art Chapter", "Times · New Banner", "Yearbook of the China", "Chinese Art Yearbook", "Selected Chinese Arts", "Biographies of Artists", "Culture Monthly", "Art Life", "Centennial Giant", "Never Forget the Original Heart", "Hong Kong Impression", "The Palace Museum Collection", "People's Fine Arts" Artists of the People, Inheritance of Art, Masters of Great Powers, Gold Medal Artists, Masters of National Rites, History of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy, Masters of Chinese Art Schools, Treasures of Chinese Art, Masters of Contemporary Chinese Art, Touching the World's Artists, Classics of the World, Master Style, Inheritance of Art, Appreciation of Chinese Famous Calligraphy and Painting Works, and Appreciation of the Nine Famous Artists of the One Generation Fang Family World Hall level Artists: Twenty Hall level Artists that Children Should Know in Their Lifetime "," Complete Collection of Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting "," Collection of Chinese Art Saint Qigong and Gao Mingzhu "," New China Poetry Classic "," Three Hundred New China Poetry Schools "," Three Hundred New China Traditional Chinese Studies Schools ", etc.



